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Lilac-Breasted Rollers

Lilac-Breasted Rollers

Lilac-Breasted Rollers: Africa’s Most Stunning Bird Species

Lilac-breasted rollers are arguably Africa’s most beautiful bird species. In fact, because numerous different colors cover their body, they’ve coined the nickname “rainbow rollers.” You actually don’t need to be a birder to understand all the fascinating aspects of those striking creatures. They’re prevalent in Africa’s national parks, which suggests booking a wildlife safari lake Mburo Park in Uganda as one of the simplest ways to identify them. Seeing one among these colorful birds flying is an experience you won’t forget.

lilac-breasted roller facts.

The lilac-breasted roller (scientific name Coracias caudatus) may be a beautifully colored bird species with a stand-out appearance. Its pastel plumage and sort of shades make it easy to identify . In fact, seeing one among these little beauties warrants even as much attention and excitement as spotting one among Africa’s Big Five animals.
There is such a lot more to those multicolored birds than meets the attention . Their agile flying abilities, unusual way of hunting, and place in African folklore are even as intriguing. to understand just how amazing this bird truly is, here are our top 17 lilac-breasted roller facts.

Lilac-Breasted Rollers Mainly sleep in Sub-Saharan Africa . Mainly in East Africa Region. These birds reside throughout eastern and southern Africa, also because the southern region of the Arabian Peninsula . they’re common in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Botswana, northeastern South Africa , and Namibia. They also sleep in captivity and in a number of Africa’s national parks. They’re definitely one among the foremost fascinating safari birds to stay an eye fixed out for.

they like Rural Areas with Well-Spaced Trees
The lilac-breasted roller keeps to areas with open woodlands and savannas. they have access to trees for nesting and perching. They specifically prefer areas with widely scattered trees and avoid environments where humans have settled, like farms, towns, and cities.

Members of the Roller family

Lilac-breasted roller on the wing , displaying its beautiful palette of colors . The roller family (also referred to as Coraciidae) may be a species of Old World birds named for his or her unique ability to perform aerial acrobatics on the wing . This consists of side-to-side rolling motions and fast, shallow dives from high elevations. This impressive display of ability from African roller birds happens when in courtship or during territorial fights. If their courtship displays are successful, they’re going to breed while on the wing .
Different types of roller birds of Africa
There are 12 species of roller birds. Here are a couple of more colorful members of the family. Blue-throated roller – This species is native to the tropical rain forests of Africa. The coloring of those birds is usually chestnut brown with a bright orange-yellow bill. they need a blue patch on their throat, purplish-blue wings, and a blue tail.
Purple roller – These birds reside in Sub-Saharan Africa . Measuring 36 to 38 cm, they’re the most important of the rollers. While perched, they appear rather dull and are mostly earthy brown in color. However, in-flight, you’ll see their underparts, which are a gorgeous purplish-pink streaked with white.

Abyssinian roller – This roller is native to tropical Africa, and also lives in certain parts of Saudi Arabia and Yemen. it’s a tan-colored back, and therefore the remainder of its plumage is usually light blue. These birds are fierce protectors of their nesting sites. they’re going to dive at perceived intruders, and even humans if they get too close.

The Lilac-Breasted Roller’s Call is Raspy
These lilac rollers have a noticeably harsh call. It lasts but one second and repeats over and once again . they create this call during mating season or when there’s a threat to their territory. Otherwise, these birds are mostly silent.

The Lilac-Breasted Roller Bird Has 8 Colors on Its Body
Lilac-breasted roller in total splendor. this is often a bird of the many colors. Typically, eight eye-catching tones fill their body. the highest of their head is green, their chin is white, and therefore the band around their black beak is creamy white. Moving onto their body, they need a lilac breast and a turquoise underside. the highest a part of their wings is reddish-brown, trimmed with purplish blue . they need a turquoise tail that ends in thin black streamers. Their feet are yellow with black tips. Juveniles are duller in color. it’s not until adulthood that their hues really start to pop.

One among the Roller Bird Species’ Tallest Members
The lilac-breasted roller features a robust body, with a proportionately large head. Their average body size is around 37 cm. This length includes their tail, which is approximately 8 to 9 cm long. they need a good wingspan of between 50 and 58 cm. Most roller bird species are between 25 to 32 cm, making this lilac-breasted bird a extended member of the roller family.

they’re Not a Dimorphic Species
African lilac-breasted roller birds aren’t dimorphic, meaning there’s no visible difference between the males and females. Both sexes have similar coloring and it’s hard to inform them apart by watching them. Although, the males could also be slightly larger.

These Lavender Breasted Rollers Are Carnivorous Birds
Lilac-breasted rollers are carnivorous birds. Their diet consists of arthropods and little vertebrates. They hunt a spread of small prey, including ground-dwelling insects, millipedes, centipedes, spiders, scorpions, snails, lizards, rodents, and even small birds.

Their Hunting Style is sort of Unique

These small beautiful birds are often aggressive hunters. While surveying for food, they perch on tall vantage points, like the very top of trees or long poles. They stay completely still while expecting possible prey to approach . After selecting their target, they swoop down and attack. These birds consume their prey whole. If their victim is on the larger side, they’re going to beat it against a rock or on the bottom to kill it or force it into submission.

Lilac-Breasted Rollers

They Enjoy an honest fire
These clever little creatures will cash in of brush fires. As insects and little animals flee to flee the flames, the lilac-breasted roller will swoop down and luxuriate in access to a simple meal.

they will Live for a Decade within the Wild
Lilac-breasted roller and two yellow-billed horn bills perched on a dead trunk. the typical anticipation of the lilac-breasted roller is around ten years. However, they will live longer in captivity.

Several Birds of Prey Target These Violet-Breasted Rollers
The predators of the lilac-breasted roller include the Wahlberg’s eagle, the Bateleur, the red-necked falcon, and therefore the peregrine .

Humans Don’t Scare Them
A lilac-breasted roller takes-off, spreading its colorful wings. Although these roller birds don’t wish to live near human settlements, they’re typically unafraid of individuals . If you’re lucky enough to identify one within the wild, it are often relatively easy to approach and obtain a fantastic view and photograph.

Mate for all times

These gorgeous pastel-colored birds appear to be monogamous. Adults either sleep in pairs, or by themselves. During the winter months, they’ll sleep in small groups.

Males and Females Share Parental Duties
Lilac-breasted rollers nest in natural tree holes, termite mounds, or woodpecker and kingfisher’s nesting holes. The mother bird lays only one brood per annum , which usually contains 2 to 4 plain white eggs. For 22 to 24 days, both of the oldsters are liable for incubation duties.

If threatened, both genders will aggressively defend their nesting territory. they’re going to even chase off much larger predators. After the chick’s hatch, they’re altricial and need the care of their parents for feeding. Both will share during this responsibility for 18 to twenty days after birth.

The Lilac-Breasted Roller is that the National Bird of Kenya
The two national birds of Kenya are the rooster and therefore the lilac-breasted roller. The country has the very best population of those birds found anywhere within the world. Kenya is rich in diversity and therefore the 8 colors found on this roller bird represent the various different tribes of this East African country. In Swahili, “Kambu” is that the word for this bird.

These Beautiful Lilac Birds Appear in African Folklore
In many African cultures, the lilac-breasted roller symbolizes a deep connection between love and marriage. Dutch immigrants that originally settled in South Africa , have traditionally used the bird’s feathers to embellish wedding dresses. In fact, the Afrikaans word for this stunning lilac bird is “troupand”, which translates to “wedding band”. In Zulu culture, this bird features a unique way of testing if couples are ready for marriage. The feathers of the lilac-breasted roller tie to form a band round the couple’s wrists.

This examines the lover’s compatibility. If they will keep the feathered band sealed, it shows they’re ready to work together. If it falls apart, they’re not ready for marriage. The Venda of Zimbabwe and South Africa fashion wedding rings from the bird’s feathers. Several African tribes have historically considered this gorgeous roller bird to be a logo of peace. Some kings would even sacrifice it to mark the top of a war and declare peace over their land.

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