Where to see lions and other big cats in the East-Africa wilderness on safari
Where to see lions in East Africa. Historically, we have admired African lions as symbols of tenacity, courage and power. These iconic beasts have powerful bodies—in the cat family, they’re second in size only to tigers and roars that can reverberate five miles away. Here are the best places to see lions in East Africa.
Lions’ Facts: Where to see lions in East Africa
There’s something undeniably thrilling about the prospect of seeing a lion in the East African wilderness. These majestic creatures, symbols of raw power and untamed beauty, have held a place in human imagination for centuries. With their muscular bodies and those earth-shaking roars, lions command respect in the animal kingdom.
But there’s more to lions than their fearsome reputation. Watching a pride interact, the playful cubs, the affectionate bonds, and the powerful males surveying their territory – offer a glimpse into the complex and captivating social world of African lions. Sadly, this very survival is under threat. Habitat loss due to human development and encroachment, along with conflicts with livestock herders, are pushing lion populations to the brink. The opportunity to watch these big cats in their natural habitat is dwindling with each passing year. You should jump on any chance to go on an African safari and see lions sprawling the savannah.
When is the right time to spot the lions?
The best time to spot these mighty predators on a safari is during their downtime. Lions, like many big cats, are masters of relaxation, spending much of their day resting. During a safari, you might catch a magnificent maned lion sprawled out in the golden afternoon light, a picture of utter contentment. This juxtaposition of fierce predator and gentle giant is part of what makes observing lions on the African savannah so fascinating.
Distribution of Lions In Africa?
While African lions once roamed much of the continent and beyond!, their range is now largely limited to sub-Saharan Africa. They thrive in grasslands, savannas, and open woodlands – anywhere they can find ample prey and some cover to stalk it. Sadly, their preference for these habitats often puts them in conflict with human development.
Elsewhere in the world, a small, isolated population of Asiatic lions (Panthera leo persica), a subspecies of the African lion, clings to survival in India’s Gir Forest. This is a stark reminder of just how fragile these magnificent cats’ future truly are.
The Lion’s Social Structure.
Lions are remarkably social creatures, living in close-knit groups called prides. Unlike many other big cats, they thrive on this sense of community. A lion pride is a family unit, typically comprising anywhere from 2 to 40 lions – related females, their cubs, and a few dominant males who lead the group.
Female lions form the core of the pride. They usually stay with their birth pride throughout their lives, providing family stability and raising the next generation. Young males, however, face a different fate. Once they reach maturity, around the age of 3 or 4, the dominant males force them to leave. These newly independent males might roam as nomads for a time, form a coalition with their brothers, or even challenge other males for control of an existing pride.
The dominant male lion, recognizable by his impressive mane, is the fierce defender of the pride’s territory. He marks its boundaries with urine, roars to deter challengers, and will fight tooth and nail to protect his family from rivals. A male lion’s reign as leader of the pride is often short-lived – usually a mere 2-3 years before being ousted by a younger, stronger contender.
Where to see lions in East Africa
While the males focus on protection, the lionesses are the skilled hunters of the group. Working in teams, they strategically stalk and take down prey ranging from zebras and wildebeest to even larger animals like buffalo. After a successful hunt, the hierarchy comes into play – the dominant male eats his fill first, followed by the females and finally the cubs. Young lions don’t start participating in hunts until they’re about a year old.
But pride life isn’t all about hunting and hierarchy. Lions spend much of their time relaxing in the sun, grooming one another, and engaging in playful tussles (especially the cubs!). Mothers are incredibly devoted to their young, sometimes hiding their newborn cubs away from the rest of the pride for a few weeks to ensure their safety. Lionesses usually give birth every two years, ensuring the pride continues to grow and thrive.
Male lions can live up to 12 years, while female lions can survive up to 19. However, deaths may also happen due to poaching and natural disasters.
Best Places In East Africa For Lion Safaris
The thrill of observing a lion in its natural habitat is an experience that stays with you forever. But as human settlements encroach on wild spaces, the opportunity to encounter these majestic cats grows increasingly rare. Thankfully, dedicated conservation efforts have created protected havens where lions can thrive, offering safari-goers incredible chances to watch them in their element.
Among these protected areas;
Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve stand out as true lion strongholds. However, other remarkable destinations, like Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park, hold their own unique allure and promise an equally unforgettable Africa lions safari.
Here are our top five national parks in East Africa where you can see lions on safari:
Serengeti National Park
With an estimated 3,000 lions roaming its vast plains, Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park is a legendary safari destination, steeped in history and teeming with wildlife. This iconic park is synonymous with the Great Migration, a breathtaking spectacle where millions of wildebeest and zebra thunder across the landscape. This abundance of prey is what sustains the Serengeti’s thriving predator populations, making for unforgettable lion sightings.
When the rains arrive in November, the Serengeti transforms into a lush haven for the returning herds. Wildebeest and zebra scatter across the plains, hungrily feeding on the fresh grasses. This bounty lasts through January, February, and March, with wildebeest calves adding to the feast in a concentrated birthing season around February.
This is a prime time for a Serengeti adventure. Witness the drama of the African wilderness unfold as powerful lion prides seize the opportunity to hunt vulnerable newborns. The cycle of life and death plays out in breathtaking fashion. If you dream of seeing lions in action, the Serengeti will not disappoint.
Masai Mara National Reserve
Home to an estimated 600 lions, Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve is a must-visit for any predator enthusiast. This iconic reserve, forming a seamless ecosystem with Tanzania’s Serengeti, boasts the largest lion population in Africa. Here, lion sightings are guaranteed. Pride stalk and ambush their prey amidst the rolling grasslands a few feet from your safari jeep, nonchalant of you watching them.
The excitement reaches its peak during the legendary Great Migration. Imagine the spectacle of thousands of wildebeest and zebra desperately attempting to cross the Mara River, only to be met by lurking crocodiles and hungry predators lying in wait. Lions, alongside other fearsome hunters like leopards, hyenas, and wild dogs, seize this chaotic opportunity. If you yearn to watch lions in their natural hunting element, the Masai Mara delivers an unforgettable experience.
Laikipia Plateau
Home to an estimated 230 lions, Kenya’s Laikipia Plateau offers a safari experience with a difference. Stretching from the slopes of Mount Kenya, this diverse landscape of cattle ranches, tribal lands, and wildlife conservancies allows visitors to explore on foot for truly immersive wildlife viewing.
Laikipia is a beacon of hope for lion conservation. Organizations like Lion Landscapes and Mugie Conservancy lead vital research and protection efforts. Visitors have the unique opportunity to learn about anti-poaching initiatives and even track radio-collared lions. This interactive approach fosters a deeper understanding of how humans and lions can coexist.
Best of all, Laikipia’s lion population is consistent throughout the year, making it an excellent destination to watch lions in Africa regardless of the season. With dedicated guides and researchers, your Laikipia safari promises unforgettable lion encounters while supporting the future of these majestic felines.
Queen Elizabeth National Park
While you can see lions throughout East Africa, Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park offers a truly extraordinary encounter – the tree-climbing lions of the Ishasha Sector. Pride of lions drape across the branches of a giant fig tree, a sight you might also find in Lake Manyara National Park, Tanzania.
Why do they climb?
Nobody knows for sure! Some say it’s to escape the heat; others think it gives them a better view to spot prey, or maybe they’re just trying to avoid those pesky bugs. Whatever the reason, observing these unique lions adds an unforgettable dimension to your Africa safari experience.
For the ultimate tree-climbing lion adventure in Uganda, stay at the Ishasha Wilderness Camp. Combine luxurious glamping with incredible wildlife viewing away from the crowds. And if you’re truly adventurous, Uganda offers an even more amazing African safari combination “Lion sightings in Queen Elizabeth National Park followed by Mountain Gorilla Tracking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.
Key Reasons Why A Lion Will Avoid Attacking A Safari Vehicle
In this insightful article, we’ll delve into the behavioral patterns of lions, especially during safaris in Africa. We will uncover the science behind why these majestic creatures, known for their predatory instincts, choose not to attack you while in a safari jeep.
From understanding their perception of the vehicle to the role of the safari guidelines, this article presents a comprehensive view that will appeal to both adventure enthusiasts and wildlife lovers.
Let’s explore: Predator Perception
To understand why lions avoid attacking safari vehicles, it’s important to be aware of predator perception, which illustrates a lion’s thought process before attacking.
Lions are natural and instinctive hunters, and because they’ve evolved as predators for thousands of years, they follow their instincts when it comes to the things they see and interact within their environment.
There are two key reasons why lions attack when they do. They either see a specific target as food or a threat. A human on its own may fall into one or both of these categories, which is why lions may very well attack a human out in the open.
However, lion and human interaction becomes very different when a safari vehicle is involved. A human or group of humans can consider vehicles relatively safe from lion attacks because lions understand the size difference between themselves and a vehicle.
Because a vehicle is much larger than a lion, lions do not see the vehicle as a source of food. The safety of the vehicle often prevents lions from viewing the humans inside as food as well.
Responsible Tourism Practices
Safety measures are put in place to ensure responsible tourism practices, and these help to keep lions from feeling threatened by approaching vehicles.
Lion Behavior & Safety

Safari coordinators and staff members understand lion behavior, and as such, they develop safari vehicle safety measures so that attacks are unlikely to occur. For example, vehicles are typically slow-moving, which helps reduce the odds of surprising a lion in the wild.
Furthermore, during safari adventures, tourists are instructed to remain in the vehicle at all times, and the vehicles usually remain on clearly marked trails.
Because coordinators are dedicated to wildlife conservation and practicing responsible tourism, the approach they take with safari vehicles aims to infringe upon lion habitats as little as possible, while still allowing tourists to observe these majestic animals.
In some scenarios, lions may become curious about a safari vehicle and approach it to get a closer look. During these circumstances, tour leaders will instruct passengers to keep their hands and feet inside the vehicle and remain both still and quiet until the lion loses interest.
Lion attacks on safari vehicles are incredibly rare, both due to a lion’s natural instinct to hunt familiar prey and the safety protocols put in place by your expert safari guide.
Pamoja Safaris takes it’s guests’ safety seriously by always providing an expert safari guide and well maintained safari jeeps for comfort and safaty. Plan your lion safari experience today by contacting us directly.
The Most Dangerous Wild Animals in Uganda
Uganda has its fair share of hosting some of the most dangerous animals in Africa. You should note, however, that most wild animals do not attack people if left alone. While the deadliest animals in Uganda pose a shallow risk to tourists, accidents do happen, and travelers should exercise safety precaution wherever they are near animals they assume to be harmful.
Hunters and others trying to glamorize their way of life frequently overstate the dangers of wild animals on safari. In reality, most wild animals fear us far more than we fear them. Their typical response to seeing a human is to sprint away as quickly as possible.
Most will only strike out at humans if they are threatened and believe you pose a threat to their young ones and territory
In reality, humans pose a much greater threat to animals than they do to us. Whether through hunting, accidental road-killings, or the degradation of natural habitats and food sources, humans cause the deaths of countless wild animals each year.
The List of the most dangerous animals in Uganda’s wilderness.
These are the most dangerous animals on safari; In Uganda, they occupy the lower reaches of rivers and small lakes and spend the day in the water, emerging at night to feed on short grass swards.
Although they primarily only eat plants-munching on about 80 pounds of grass daily-hippos are among the most aggressive animals on Earth. They can snap a canoe in half with their powerful jaws, killing about 500 people in Africa each year. The need for preventive measures is key while near water, particularly around dusk and dawn, when hippos are out grazing.
Although they’re responsible for more human fatalities than other large mammals, hippos are not actively aggressive to humans. Still, they panic easily and tend to mow down any person (or thing) between them and the safety of the water, usually with fatal consequences.
Never cross deliberately between a hippo and water. Avoid well-vegetated riverbanks and lakeshores in overcast weather or low light unless you are sure no hippos are present.
Also, be aware that grazing hippos probably created a path leading through thick vegetation to an aquatic habitat. So there’s a real risk of a head-on confrontation in a confined channel when hippos might be on land at certain times of the day.
The Nile Crocodile
Nile crocodiles are more dangerous to locals but represent less of a threat to tourists since they are unlikely to attack outside their aquatic hunting environment. They occupy the Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park along various Nile river stretches, and Lakes Albert and Victoria.
In addition to being the most formidable predators to animals that stray into their territory, Nile crocodiles are also the most dangerous reptiles to humans. It’s wise to keep a meter or so from the shore since a large and hungry individual might occasionally drag in an animal or person from the water’s edge.
It’s very rare to find a large enough Nile crocodile to attack an adult in the vicinity of a human settlement in Uganda. The risk is greater away from communities. However, the rule of thumb is simple: don’t bathe in any potential crocodile habitat unless you have reliable local information that it is safe.
The crocodile population inhabiting the section of the Victoria Nile between the Nile Delta and the Murchison Falls is the most dangerous. Don’t dare swim there!
The African Cape Buffalo
The Cape Buffalo is the most dangerous animal of the BIG 5 safari game. This giant lives in large herds on Uganda’s savanna and protected forests and appears unassuming, calm, and a relatively passive cow-like creature.
African Cape buffalo certainly don’t have the big cat carnivorous menacing streak that alerts us to danger. With so much ease, they graze their way through the savannah, their designated pathfinder leading them to pristine waters for lengthy drinking sessions. They’re just herbivore herds casually hoofing it through the savannah.
Because buffalos hardly look like warriors and fearless fighters, safari guides, and travelers often ignore buffalo and go for the most dangerous predators on Uganda safari game drives.
Do not be fooled to think that the buffalo is placid. They play a dangerous game that ensured their place in Africa’s big five, a term coined years ago to categorize the most dangerous game to hunt on foot.
Back in the bygone era, when hunting the big five was a “thing,” cape buffalo killed more safari hunters than any other dangerous animal.
When wounded, they become aggressive and angry. Buffalo would seek revenge on the hunter and remember the encounter the following day. If injured, they would circle their enemy and counter-attack instead of fleeing.
Do not anger a buffalo or cross their path. They will charge instead of fleeing, especially a mother protecting her calf. A wounded buffalo can be lethal. An old bull past its prime is nothing short of insecure, carrying gallons of sexual frustration and grumpiness.
Beware the buffalo. Especially the old bulls that stay in small groups hovering around waterholes.
African Elephant
The world’s largest land mammal and perhaps the most enduring symbol of nature’s grace and fragility is also one of the most dangerous animals in Uganda.
Uganda has two subspecies of the African Elephant. The savanna elephants are found in the savanna Parks. The forest elephants are seen in forested parks like Bwindi and Kibale. In earnest, elephants almost invariably mock charge and indulge in hair-raising trumpeting before they attack.
Provided that you back off at the first sign of unease, they seldom take further notice of you. If you see elephants before they see you, give them a wide space between them and yourself, bearing that they are most likely to attack if surprised at proximity. When an animal charges, the safest action people typically do is to head for the nearest tree and climb it. Don’t do it for an elephant. Just back off!
Should an elephant stray close to your campsite or lodge, please suppress any urge to wander closer on foot – it may well aggressively react if surprised! An elephant is large enough to hurt the occupants of a vehicle, so if it doesn’t want your car to pass, back off and wait until it has crossed the road or moved out.
If an elephant does threaten a vehicle in earnest and backing off isn’t an option, then revving the engine hard will generally dissuade it from pursuing the contest. Never switch off the engine around elephants until you’re confident they are relaxed. Avoid boxing your car between an elephant and another vehicle (or boxing in another car yourself).
Monkeys, especially Vervet monkeys and Baboons, can be listed as some of the most dangerous animals in Uganda. They can become aggressive when they associate people with food.
Although feeding monkeys is irresponsible, it may lead to unwanted attraction to your generosity and, ultimately, a scratch or harmful threats. If you are on a wildlife safari where the driver or guide feeds any primate, ask them not to.
Although most monkeys are too small to be more than a nuisance, baboons have killed children and maimed adults with their vicious teeth.
Unless trapped, however, their interest will be food, not people, so in the event of a real confrontation, throw down the food before the baboon gets too close. Monkeys might well tear the tent down if you leave food (especially fruit) in your tent.
Found in a handful of places, wild chimps and mountain gorillas (not habituated to humans) are potentially dangerous primates. But you are only likely to encounter them on a guided forest walk, where you should always obey your guide’s instructions.
Large Wild Cats
Large wild cats only occupy the big game parks like Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls, and Kidepo Valley, where abundant prey exists. Despite their fierce reputation, large wild cats generally avoid humans and are only likely to kill accidentally or in self-defense.
Lions are arguably the exception, though they seldom attack unprovoked. Cheetahs represent no threat to adults, and leopards seldom attack unless cornered.
But hyenas; the big cat’s nemesis often associated with human settlements and potentially dangerous — are most likely to slink off into the shadows when disturbed.
Should you encounter any of the big cats on foot, the most important thing you need to know is that running away will almost certainly trigger a ‘chase’ instinct, and it will win the race. Better to stand still and back off very slowly, preferably without making eye contact. If (and only if) the predator looks menacing, then noisy confrontation is probably a better tactic than fleeing.
Sleeping in a sealed tent practically guarantees your safety in areas where large predators are common. However, don’t sleep with your head sticking out-you will risk being decapitated through predatorial curiosity. And never store meat in the tent.
Some of the most dangerous animals in Uganda are the minor creepy ones. Venomous snakes and scorpions are present but hidden, though you should be wary when picking up the wood or stones under which they often hide.
Snakes generally slither away when they sense the seismic vibrations made by footfall. Nonetheless, be aware that rocky slopes and cliffs are a favored habitat of the slothful puff adder, which may not move off in such circumstances.
Good walking boots protect against the 50% of snakebites below the ankle, and long trousers help deflect bites higher on the leg. But lethal venomous bites are a rarity in Uganda; more people die from food poisoning than creepy snakes.
When all is said and done, Uganda’s most dangerous non-bipedal creature, and exponentially so, is the malaria-carrying mosquito. Mosquitoes occur in almost any low-attitude area in Uganda. High in the Rwenzoris and Virungas at 7,000 ft, mosquitos are very rare. It’s only in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park where mosquitos may be non-existent.
Mosquitos are prevalent in savannah parks, near lakes, rivers, and chimpanzee destinations. Fortunately, everyone in Uganda considers mosquitoes the most dangerous, and you will mosquito nets in your safari lodges/camps. Please don’t sleep without a net on your bed unless you are in the Kabale-Kisoro highlands (Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park). You can also use a repellent to keep them at bay.